Being Nice to Each Other


Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Hope you guys are doing well! This is gonna be the first official halaqah of the year, so you don’t want to miss out! Special welcome to all the freshies/transfers! There’s gonna be a super legit talk by our very own Usman Ehsan. For those of you that don’t know Usman, he’s a UF alumnus/IOC legend. Afterwards there’s gonna be some major chillin’ happening. I know what you’re all thinking “is there food?” Yes of course! Wouldn’t be a halaqah without free food!


Location: Grantwood Apartments #121
Speaker: Usman Ehsan
Topic: Being nice to each other

RIDES WILL BE ARRANGED. Comment below if you need a ride.

No vistor parking needed. The gate code is #1600. You may have to do enter the code more than once if it doesn’t work. Go Gators.

Visit the Facebook event page for more.