Jumuaa Prayer Room update

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Alhamdulilah, by the grace of Allah SWT, we have found that we require more space for Jumuaa prayer. For the rest of the semester, we will be holding Jumuaa prayer in meeting rooms in the Reitz Union, rather than the Reflection Room as we did in the past. The schedule for the semester is as follows: 10/12 Room 3315 10/19 Room 3315 10/26 Room 2365 11/02 Room 2365 11/09 Room 3315 11/16 Room 3315
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1st Spring GBM

1st Spring GBM

Past Events
Salaam everyone! Hope you all had a great winter break and are recharged for this semester. To start off this semester right, Islam on Campus invite you all to our first General Body Meeting for the Spring semester. We have some exciting events planned for this semester and we want to give you ALL of the details. As always, pizza and refreshments will be provided. We hope to see you! When: Tuesday January 13th @ 6:30pm Where: Matherly Hall 0016 Facebook Event
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Islam Makes Sense: Session 1

Islam Makes Sense: Session 1

Past Events
“Islam Makes Sense” will focus on three distinct aspects of Islam that virtually all Muslims are super-familiar (read: even kinda bored) with: the Quran, the sirah, and salah. The point of these sessions is to go through each of these aspects of Islam and show how they're actually fascinating and can be very engaging. We will be discovering previously-unheard of gems from Surah Yusuf, exploring concrete, relatable 21st-century lessons to be derived from vignettes of the Prophet's life, and gaining information that transforms salah from a ritual habit to something that's a visceral experience each you time you engage in it. Discovering how logical and enriching these fundamental aspects of Islam are can help make a dent in our appreciation of this deen. These seminars will be informal and student…
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Brothers’ Welcome Back Potluck!

Brothers’ Welcome Back Potluck!

Past Events
Salaam everyone!!! I hope everyone had an awesome break! As we're getting ready to settle back in to our routines, it's important to start off our brothers' events strong! The welcome back social is going to be super fun and a great way to reconnect with your Muslim brothers and chill a little before things start to get hectic. We're gonna have video games, board games, snacks, FREE FOOD, and more! Also, as you know this event is a potluck, so everyone is requested to bring a dish/snack of their choice to share with everyone. You can bring anything you like (if you're bringing any dishes that contain meat/chicken please make sure the meat/chicken is Halaal/Zabiha, contact Hamaad Rahman (bro.coordinator@islamoncampus.com if you need help with that). RECAP When: Saturday, January…
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De-Stress Fest: Picnic & Field Day

De-Stress Fest: Picnic & Field Day

Past Events
When: Tuesday, December 2nd 2014, 11:00AM - 3:00PM Where: Reitz Union North Lawn What better way to relax than with a nice field day and potluck picnic. There will be games and activities and tasty food. Come out to the North Lawn for a study break and blow off some steam!
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IOC Brother’s Paintballing!

IOC Brother’s Paintballing!

Past Events
Asalamu'alykum! IOC brothers are going paintballing on Sunday (November 23rd)!! It's going to be tons of fun! We have Wayne's World of Paintball reserved all day and IOC will cover half the cost! If you're interested in coming, hit going so we know how many people to prepare for. The cost will be $17 (bring $20 in case of tax and stuff). If you need a ride, please comment below! If you need anything or for any questions or suggestions you can contact me at 772-342-7061!
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Brothers’ Brunch/Potluck

Brothers’ Brunch/Potluck

Past Events
Asalamualykum! Join us this Sunday (Oct. 26th) for the first IOC Brothers' Brunch followed by football afterwards! This is going to be a potluck type event, so please bring a dish with you! Comment below saying what you will be bringing, anything is welcome (as long as any meat is halal lol). Don't know what brunch is? It's when you're not that hungry in the morning so you decide to wait until lunch but get hungry half way through and decide to eat. If anyone needs a ride leave a comment below! Where: Grantwood Condominiums Apt#121 When: 10:30 Reasons not to come: NONE The code to the gate is #1600
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IOC Volunteering at “Day of Service-Stop Hunger NOW”

IOC Volunteering at “Day of Service-Stop Hunger NOW”

Past Events
The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Collegiate Farm Bureau and Gator Wesley Foundation have partnered with HungerU, Farm Journal Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, DuPont, War on Hunger, and Stop Hunger Now to host a meal packaging event on Nov. 18. This event was designed to further promote and support the goals of the 2014 Common Reader Book- The Good Food Revolution- feeding the world! Join us to help package 20,000 meals which will be used to support development programs and save lives in developing countries as well as domestically. The event will take place at the Straughn Center (across from the Vet School). Please bring a cap to wear while packaging food, if you do not have a cap a hair net will be provided for…
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IOC Brothers’ PD Sponsorship

IOC Brothers’ PD Sponsorship

Past Events
Giving for the sake of Allah SWT to those in need is key component of our deen. Allah SWT says in the Qur'an: "Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous,- Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good;-" Qur'an 3:133-134 Allah SWT specifically mentions spending in times of adversity, and as college students I know we're tight on money, but every little bit helps! What better time to practice this ayah than now? This Sunday (Oct. 19th) inshallah we will be sponsoring Project Downtown Gainesville, Inc. with their service…
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